
Azúcar Crudo Providencia
Incauca Raw Sugar is crystallized sucrose which is extracted from sugarcane through industrial processes. This product can be consumed directly or be used as raw material for the manufacture of other products.
This product should be stored in a dry, cool site and without direct contact with moisture.
* This product is available for export
Physicochemical properties
Characteristic | Specification |
Polarization | 96 °S Mín. |
Moisture | 1% Máx. |
Color at 420 nm | De acuerdo a requisito del cliente. |
Turbidity at 420 nm | UI Máx. |
Ashes | % Máx. |
Reducing sugars | Máx. |
Microbiological properties
Characteristic | Specification |
Total coliforms | <80 UFC/10g |
Fecal coliforms | <10 UFC/10g |
Aerobic mesophilic | <200 UFC /g |
Molds and yeasts | <100 UFC/g |
Presentation: sacos de 25 Kg y 50 Kg**