
Providencia Azúcar Orgánica Blanca
Is crystallized sucrose extracted from sugar cane through industrial processes. This product can be consumed directly or as raw material for the manufacture of other products.
This product must be stored in a clean, cool and dry place.
* This product is available for export
Physiochemical properties :
Characteristic | Specification |
Polarization | 99.4 °Z Min. |
Humidity | 0.070% Max. |
Color at 420 nm | 400 IU Max. |
Turbidity at 420 nm | 400 IU Max. |
Ashes (m/m) | 0.15% Max. |
Microbiological properties :
Characteristic | Specification |
Total coliforms | 80 CFU/10g |
Fecal coliforms | <10 CFU/10g * |
Mesophilic aerobic | <300 CFU/10g |
Moulds and yeasts | 400 IU Max. |
* For Ingenio Providencia this characteristic is 0 CFU/10g
Presentation: This product is available in sacks of 25 kg and 50 kg for distributors and wholesalers, and in bags of 25 kg, 50 kg and 1000 kg-Big Bag for industry.